Thursday 27 March 2008

Little Cotton Rabbits and Copics

Hi there, well last night I had time to make some cards as I had managed to get the children to bed early (before 6.45pm - YIPEE). This is one of them, I'll post the others later, when I have a moment to take some pictures.

The stamp is the new Little Cotton Rabbits from funky kits, and I've coloured her in with my copics, I have to say these take a little bit of getting used to, but they are great, you can layer up the colours for more definition. I've found the lighter colours easier to use, as you can layer up the colour to get more depth, as you can see round her face. I found a great blog called she does great tutorials, check her out.

Hope you like, I'm off now to deal with Arthur out pet hamster as he passed away last night, and I need to find him a box, my mum has offered to let us bury him in her garden, as we don't really have space in ours. So we will be have a hamster funeral on Saturday for him with Alicia and Charlotte.

Hope you all have a good day.


nessy said...

lovely card - just love the colours and ooooh what a cute stamp!!
sorry to hear about your hampster !!think about you saturday!!
vanessa xx

Amanda said...

poor hammy!! love the paper i want some. I can feel a trip to craftsulove coming on. What do you say!!!

Vicki May said...

Fab card. She's cute

Arrrr poor hampster, hope your children are ok, sad time, been there. x

Annie said...

lovely card - and great colouring with the Copics - they are not something I've tried!